This past Sunday night, a double rainbow capped off the day’s double run and three weeks of run overload. Fitting, right?!
Never have I ran this much – 156 miles in those three weeks – not even while training for my first (and only) open marathon. And, while it’s been challenging physically, it’s been even more so mentally. Through the runs along the same suburban route nearly daily (because it’s safe and well lit). Through runs at the same pace (slow is the new fast). Through speed work in a torrential downpour in the dark (you’re ok on repeat got me through). Through long runs on river road with friends (Sunday mornings don’t get much better).
All that running has taught me a few things…
i’m stronger than i think
Because aren’t we all? We are capable of so much more than we imagine. As Don Ward said, “If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.”
focus is the name of the game
This is what sets people apart. Eliminate the distractions and comparison games and instead focus on your journey. Because we are all on a different path in triathlon, our careers, life. (If you must compare, compare yourself to where you were yesterday, last week or last year.)
embrace the quiet
Running (or triathlon in general) is my distraction-free time… no iPhone, screen, music, internet. I love listening to the rhythm of my feet on the pavement, the sound of my breath, birds chirping, cars driving. It’s a beautiful thing to truly unplug and sit with the quiet and be ok with it, to actually listen, distraction free. Try it… you might be surprised at what you hear.
Most importantly, always thank your body. I am so grateful for my body and legs for getting me through not just this run build injury-free, but all of my training and allowing me to do what I love. Too often we zero in on what we don’t like about our bodies or what we think is ugly… how ’bout we flip that and instead focus on what we do like and what we think is beautiful? There’s power in positivity.
Onward! One more big build to IRONMAN Coeur d’Alene!
It’s been fun to watch you rack up those miles Erin! Keep on focusing because it’s working
These are great reminders Erin! Thanks for sharing in your lessons learned while running. I needed to read this today, it hit home in so many ways
Thank you!! Keep up the amazing work lady!!
LOVE that running and workouts can be screen-free time. It’s my favorite. I like to just zone out and enjoy the work I’m doing. Great reminders. Thanks Erin!
I love that bit on comparing yourself to yourself: what a great way to look at it. Puts everything in perspective and allows you to realise ‘Yeah, I HAVE progressed.’
I do all my runs in the quiet and just take everything in. It’s one of the only times when everything slows down… apart from the pace of the time passing.
And yes, I always agree with it: slow IS the new fast. Slow and steady = PBs!
Nice job girl, keep it up! Can’t wait to watch you at CDA!
Awesome lessons!! I needed these reminders today, so thank you for timing this just right
I can’t wait to watch you smash CdA 
An incredible amount of running!! I admire your focus and dedication-it will pay off in spades
Great post! Love all the things I learn while I’m pounding the pavement : )
Great insight!! Keep moving forward!! CDA will be here soon and all the training will have paid off!!!
Thanks for sharing! That is impressive mileage and it’s great that you are feeling healthy and strong.
Mine is starting to ramp up – I have my first double run day EVER this week. I’m a bit nervous, but I am trying to embrace the experience, to be grateful and to remind myself that it will be good for me when I’m on mile 16 or so (whatever the hardest part is) of IM Boulder in August.
I currently heart running even though it’s beating the shit out of me. LOL Glad you are enjoying it.
Dang, girl – that’s some running!! You are going to rip up that run at CdA! These are wonderful observations – so true. I was nodding my head and saying, “yup,” “yup”, “oh hell yes!”
What an amazing run block, taper is right around the corner!
You are going to kick so much butt at IMCDA it’s not even funny! Can’t wait to cheer you on from afar
[…] and a few weeks at 50+ miles – the most I’ve ran since my IRONMAN Coeur d’Alene build in 2015. But a couple weeks ago I decided it was time to break up with the treadmill so I took my long run […]