It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and probably even longer since I’ve written anything about training. There honestly hasn’t been much to share – but that could just be my perspective! When swimbikerun…
Most of my favorite things in month were from our elopement to Hawaii (more details on our entire trip soon!). Because triathlon’s pretty much taken all of my money the past few years, I…
You know what’s hard? Being in Hawaii for a week and not telling anyone. You know what’s even harder? Planning a wedding in Hawaii and also not telling anyone. But that’s what we did! We…
I’ve seen this quick + dirty three things Thursday on a few blogs, so thought I’d give it a shot this week. Here’s a snapshot of three things that’ve been up lately. 1 –…
Kona recovery started with a jump off the end of the world. It took me a full three minutes to gather the courage to willingly jump – it was scarier than lining up to race…
About a month ago, Nick upgraded his iPhone 4S to a 7 – finally. He also bought a couple cases, but has been eyeing my pretty palm tree case (good thing my phone’s a 6S, otherwise I’m…