Life has been humming right along, and with inspiration from Kate at 365 til…, here’s a look at what’s been up lately.
I recently finished Jim Whittaker’s A Life on the Edge. And, a pretty charmed one at that. He grew REI into what it is today, was the first American to summit Everest, sailed around the world, grew up in the Pacific Northwest… pretty much everyone’s dream life (at least mine anyway!). That said, he’s about as modest as they come. Incredibly wise, too… one of my favorite quotes from the book: It’s about making the most of every moment, about stretching your own boundaries, about being willing to learn constantly, and putting yourself in situations where learning is possible – sometimes even critical to your survival. Being out on the edge, with everything at risk, is where you learn – and grow – the most.
daydreaming about
Traveling the world. Between all the BuzzFeed compilations of all the amazingness around the world, the National Geographic insta feed, Kal Barteski’s recent trip to Iceland, Emily‘s Thailand adventures, Laura‘s Italian cycling adventure… I want to sell everything, cram what’s left in a vintage Airstream, and travel and bike for a living. Is that too much to ask?! Because WHY NOT. Nick, you in?
Time + life. My sis and I have had long conversations about it, I’ve blogged about it, and it’s been an almost all-consuming thought swirling in my head. I turn 35 – THIRTY FIVE – in December. I’ve lived in MSP for six years. My wild weim Zoey is suddenly 13.5 years old when I swear I *just* brought her home, all Dumbo-eared + sass moufed, yesterday. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally think about that biological clock, but on the other hand, I want to race my triathlon heart out. And, then it spirals into what the hell have I done with my life?! And, I wonder why I’m not calling the shots about it and how I spend my everyday. Am I the only one who wants to say eff societal norms?! The cubicle?! The computer screen?! Gah! Going down that rabbit hole is dangerous and kinda depressing. Anyway… *sigh* #thirdlifecrisis?

Training. There is (almost) nothing I’d rather do that spend my days swimbikerunning. Training is going GREAT. Intensity is up, I tried band swimming for the first time and nearly drown, and running feels good (up to six miles!). #bikelove runs deep, and I got outside twice last week, the first sunshiny rides since October. I’m learning that the more I swim, the more I love it. Also learning: New limits. It’s been pretty cool to push the boundaries and see just what my body is capable of.

Packing. Nick and I are moving to the ‘burbs this month. I wish the apartment packing fairies would get to work! And, I may be in denial about leaving our ‘hood…
grateful for
So many things! I’ve been documenting my #100happydays (follow along on instagram), and it’s helped pull me out of my funk and notice all the little things that make life truly wonderful.
listening to
Magic by Coldplay. It’s been on repeat for a week (no lie). New album = pre-ordered. Also, Girl Talk, still.
The season finale of Parenthood. So. Good. Also, this video (thanks to Picky Bars for sharing)…
favorite quote of the week
If we want to live a wholehearted life, we have to become intentional about cultivating rest and play, and we must work to let go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self-worth. Spot on, Brené Brown. Spot. On.
What about you? What have you been up to lately?
Don’t go down that rabbit hole girl! lol! I go there myself sometimes but then I think about how truly fortunate I am and I feel better about my cube farm & PC blurred eyes. 😉
I’ll have to check out the new Coldplay.
Super awesome that you got to go outside and get some sun! Spring is finally almost there for you guys. 🙂
Glad to hear that training is going so well! And loving your #100happydays photos 🙂
The rabbit hole is a dark, bad place to go…don’t go there 😉 I love your #100happydays photos and thanks to you have been documenting my own 100 happy days.
I too have been having some amazing workouts and pushing myself to new limits. It is fun to see just how far I can push my body.
I have been really enjoying getting outside for as many workouts as I can. Nature makes me happy 🙂
Only 7 weeks until our triathlon racing season starts with Ironman Kansas 70.3. Are you participating that race this year?
A post to get one thinking!
I’ve been educating myself like crazy lately on the topic of nutrition: it’s been eye-opening, and I hope to share some of the things I’ve learned on my blog soon.
I also have been day dreaming about far away places, and having friends who are teaching at international schools in Berlin and Singapore doesn’t help! I’m torn between wanting our own house and my biological clock (I’m a few months behind you), but also not buying a house and moving to yet another country to start a new life, teaching internationally and just doing it! After all, you can have babies in other countries, and you don’t have to own a house to do it. Sometimes, I need to stop thinking about what I should want right now vs. what I really want right now 🙂
You’re moving to the suburbs?! ‘Splain yoself.
Ugh. I KNOW, Ellen. Too good a deal to pass up 🙂 We’ll be back to the city FOR SURE. Hope you are well!
I definitely would love to read the book by Jim Whittaker. Such an inspiring guy! I hear ya on the contemplation section. Sometimes I wonder how I got to where I am? and the thing that I always get reminded of is that comparison really is the thief of joy and that if I keep waking up and listening to and following my heart and making choices to live a full life that feels authentic- that is what matters the most! Some days it works better than others 🙂 And you can always make a change to move to what you do want! Communication guru via Vintage Airstream? I think so! Anyway- I’ve read about your journeys from triathlon number 1 to becoming an IronWOMAN and I think you are incredible, inspiring and so uplifting to others!! Keep rockin’ girl.
Erin! your moving to the burbs?! what? explain!
The rabbit hole is a lonely place. I envy that you eff’d social norms! excelled in education, bomb job, and the ability and motivation to swimbikerun more then anyone I know!
You are uniquely you! I saw a husband and wife with their 2 kids today at the gym. The wife looked pissed and the husband looked tired and angry. I think sometimes we have to remind ourselves that where we are is EXACTLY the place where we shall be.
I have to remind myself everyday what I am thankful for. Life is different for everyone but I have the luxury to wake up on Saturday (when I want) and log miles on the tread and spend as much time at the gym as I want. I don’t have ANYONE to steal my attention or time 🙂 you rock, so keep on keeping on and the babies, marriage, and other social norm stuff will pop in your life right when it is suppose to 🙂 x0
Nearing 33, I find myself contemplating some of the same things!
When are you moving??? Tell us more!
I think this is my favourite …currently…post! We are SO similar.
1. I’m definitely going to check out that Jim Whittaker book- thanks for sharing!
2. Daydream about travelling the world?! I think I do that multiple times a day. If only I could figure out a way to make a living doing it 🙂
3. Yes- eff western world social norms. I think about alllll those things, too. It can be depressing. I say swimbikerun your heart out until you don’t feel like it anymore!
4. Exciting about your move!! As someone who lived downtown and moved to the burbs, it was our best decision. A yard, a garage, and a basement were just a few of the perks 🙂
Hope you’re having a lovely Easter 🙂
Wow! Lots going on! Good luck with the move! I have moved 3 times in the last 1.5 years and it was awful! But once you get there I am sure everything with be great!!! 🙂
I feel like all I do is work and train. Even though I love training I am tired of getting up so early!! It is only 3 more months! I day dream about quitting my job! One day!!
I absolutely LOVE this post, Erin!!! First off, I have to read that book. It sounds inspiring and incredible. Also, you are turning 35? No way. Seriously. No way! You are beautiful inside and out, and seriously, your skin looks amazing! I feel ya on living life in the moment, but not wanting to be like, what have I done with my life? I constantly have those thoughts. And freak out every once in awhile, but life is just that, life. And we all have a beautiful journey that we are on, and the power of choice is in our hands. Do what makes you happy. 🙂 That quote really speaks to me. I really do believe in work/play balance. This quote is spot on. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!
I am inspired by that quote from Jim Whittaker. Sounds like a book that I need to check out. I think that a lot of life contemplation happens in our 30s. I am dreaming bigger now than I ever have before, probably because my 20s were a time for building a foundation, and now I’m ready to soar. Regardless of how big or small, never let go of your dreams and doing the things that make you happy. Why not dream big? And speaking of dreams, every time I hear the song Magic by Coldplay, my mind starts wandering and thinking about all the good in my life – it is an amazing song!
What a great post, we are moving to the burbs too and it feels like a weird, leaving my youth and the city behind. I am so there with you (babies, ironman, rat race, etc) Can’t we have babies, endless amounts of time and 10 Ironman finishes right now?
Love the quote of the week. I was reminded of this while traveling in Ecuador the last few weeks!
I nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check it out on my most recent blog post. I hope you have as much fun with it as I did! I know you already did this.. so you don’t have to do it again! I am glad you finally have nice weather!! I need more bike time. I feel like its raining a lot!! But better than the snow!
I hope your move went well! Yep-our 30’s definitely make us look hard at what we still want to do in life. I’ve been wrestling with the reality that there won’t be any more babies for me. The next stage is getting my fitness back so I can start chasing my Ironman dreams.
I loved this post, I might have to copy the flow for one of my blog posts:) I also can completely to relate to your comment about your biological clock and training…. I am in the same boat girl! I know the clock is ticking, but I am just getting into full Ironmans and I am loving training! I go back and forth about it all the time.. I also want to pack up everything and live in an Airstream, travelling all over the place!
Hi Erin, new reader here! Love your blog, and can’t wait to follow along with you as you reach the Ironman WI date! I live in Madison now and am currently training for my first half ironman…not gonna lie, I am a tad bit scared!
Yay! Hi, Katie! Thanks so much for visiting! Adding your blog to my feed 🙂 What half are you doing?! FUN! How’s your training going?! Excited to follow along! Love Madison… are you volunteering at IMWI?
Haha! I’m turning 30 in a few months, and I’m already starting to have some of those feelings of crisis like biological clocks and world travel and what the hell am I doing with my life??? Hope the move went well!
And your dog! So cute! My husband is obsessed with weimaraners. Have a great weekend!
[…] I mentioned it in my last currently update, and I’m still contemplating time + life. And, thrown into the mix this month: Making a […]