Browsing Tag

ironman canada

  • life lately.

    Life has been, well, pretty normal lately. It’s been filled with normal non-triathlon things, like road cycling (well, that’s relative) and racing the sun (come back, summer!), yoga-ing with gal pals, catching up with…

  • ironman canada: if you go

    This is my last post about IRONMAN Canada… I promise! When we registered for IRONMAN Canada last October, we were pretty clueless about the logistics. I figured we’d get around to booking lodging eventually…

  • ironman canada // thank you

    Triathlon can be a selfish sport, especially during ironman training. Weekdays revolve around morning and evening workouts, second breakfasts, 9:30p dinners and somehow squeezing in an eight-hour workday. There are long run Saturdays and…

  • continuing to recover… and, what’s next.

    In the two-plus weeks since Ironman Canada I’ve continued to eat like I’m still training – coconut macaroons for breakfast? Yes, please! – and occasionally have to remind myself that I did, in fact, race…

  • ironman canada: the run

    All I could think about during my 4:18 T2 was how bad I had to pee. Twenty-two miles is a long way to bike when you have to go! After the awesome volunteer dumped…

  • ironman canada: the bike

    Oh, the IRONMAN Canada bike! There were many long, slow climbs (thank you, 12-27 cassette), screaming descents (top speed = 46.4 mph!) and smiles the entire way. Like the swim, much of the bike…

  • ironman canada: recovery week + vacation

    It was a gloriously relaxing recovery week. Post IRONMAN Canada, we slept a lot, caught up with family, and ate our way through Whistler, Vancouver and Seattle (not hard to do when there’s fresh…

  • ironman canada: the swim

    Race morning, August 25, started out like any other: 4a alarm, gluten-free PB+honey toast, double shot espresso and last minute gear check. Thirty minutes later, friend Sonia arrived and we were out the door…
