After last weekend’s blizzard – nearly 20 inches of snow… OMG… spring has finally arrived in Minnesnowta in all its sunny pasty white skin glory. And man, is it amazing. Winter was rough this…
I think we can all agree: The world needs more happy. So here in my little corner of the internet, I’m choosing to create it, to focus on the positive rather than the negative. It…
Traffic You know the kind… bumper to bumper, move just five feet at a time, take an hour to get home after work traffic. There are a zillion other things I’d rather do besides…
This. Every single day. And, today, I ran – not far, but it was faster than all the running I haven’t done lately. For the first time in three months – since January 10…
What made me happy today: biking (even in the wind and doing hill repeats), IMing Nick while sitting next to him on the sofa, gluten-free coconut macaroons, thunderstorms (did you see the lightning storm…