do something.

This applies today on so many levels… Learn. Change. Grow. [photo via lululemon on pinterest]…


weekly workouts // april 30

Monday, April 30 – a much needed rest day since I didn’t take one last week. Serious relaxation – and, it felt amazing. Tuesday, May 1 – legs = lead. Thank you, 203 back squats on Sunday. The original plan was CrossFit with Katie,…


race report // take the hill tri

Completing a triathlon has been on my life to-do for years, and on Saturday, I finally checked it off the list. My first tri = a success! When the alarm sounded at 5a, we woke to pouring rain and a temp around 40 –…


weekly workouts // april 22

Weekly workouts (week of April 22): Monday – a fast 15.04-mile bike ride outside with Nick (56:37). My cycling legs are getting stronger – I stayed on Nick’s wheel up two hills, which hasn’t ever happened. Yeah! Tuesday – I had every intention of…



Because some days, we need a little reminder of all the good in our lives… My goods so far today: a fantastic early morning swim with Nick, espresso, an inspiring email from my amazing sister, a fresh kale + arugula salad, glorious spring sunshine,…


weekly workouts // april 16

Monday, April 16 – C2 vinyasa yoga at CorePower Yoga St. Paul. Taught by one of my favorite instructors, Brigitte, class was wonderfully hot and humid on a chilly, rainy afternoon. The fun, challenging balancing series was topped off with a blissful savasana. Tuesday,…



I registered for this today. My first-ever triathlon. Nine days from now. On April 28. Eek! I’m excited, but the butterflies have already started fluttering. Given my love of cycling, running and [sort-of] swimming, why haven’t I done one yet? Because I’m a wuss…


weekly workouts // april 9

Monday, April 9 – traveling for work (road trip to South Dakota!) and forgot my running kicks. A much needed rest day, as I was so sore from Saturday’s CrossFit WOD (10 rounds for time: 10 push-ups + 10 pull-ups + 10 squats +…
