Monday, August 20 – we’re tiring of our usual Ford-Franklin bike loop, so Nick and I branched out and headed downtown Minneapolis. In the four years I’ve lived here and the nearly 5,000 miles I’ve biked around the beautiful MSP area, I’ve never once biked streets in…
This is a really big so-out-there-make-you-squirm-it’s-so-uncomfortable question. It makes me a bit panicky every time I read it, and honestly, thinking of an immediate, off-the-top-of-my-head answer was tough. But, after a lot of thought, here’s what I would do… My ideal day involves less computer time, more…
Monday, August 13 – after seven hours of weekend bikerunyoga love, today was all about rest and recovery, homemmade chicken + veggie yellow curry and bagging up stuff for Goodwill. Tuesday, August 14 – my stomach was a bit wonky today – thank you, Greek yogurt…
There’s so much wonderful – so much inspiration – in this video… Courtesy of Holstee. So, what are you waiting for? Go do all those things you said you’d do yesterday. Seize opportunities. Dream. Create. Appreciate everything, everyone. Simplify. Pursue your passion. DO. Love. liveyourlifeNOW!…
Monday, August 6 – rest day. After a solid five days of training – and, double ups all but one day – it felt good to kick up my legs and relax for the evening. Tuesday, August 7 – Minnesota summers are always wonderful,…
Bring on the hills. Sure, flats can be fun, but you can always see what’s up front. And, what’s the enjoyment, the excitement, in that if you ride ’em all the time? On the hills – oh, the hills! – you never know what…
Monday, July 30 – I was actually excited to swim today. Shocker, eh?! Nick and I both got home from work a bit too late to make outdoor lap swim at Highland, so we hit LA Fitness. My original plan was just 1,500 meters…
As a former newspaper reporter with some Quark experience, I’m a bit of a white space softy. Every single paste-up morning, my colleagues and I debated the amount of front page white space. Some preferred black text crammed to every corner, as many stories…