Monday, September 10 – Nick and I stayed in Madison Sunday night, so after some Monday morning meetings, we hit the hilly section of the Ironman Wisconsin course, including the hill where we spent most of the day cheering. In just 16 miles, we…
As we snuggled our mats inches from each other and relaxed into child’s pose at yoga last night, Amelia asked us to elevate the person practicing next to us – through our ujjayi breath, focus, energy, resiliency. And, I started thinking… What about off…
Monday, September 3 – happy labor day! Nick and I spent our extra day off laboring over housework – floors, bathroom, laundry… squeaky clean… boom! – and biking around MSP. What a gorgeous day for a spin down the freshly resurfaced Greenway and around…
My bike and I weren’t very good friends last weekend. By the end of our century+ ride on Saturday, I’d *almost* convinced myself that the Madone’s wheels wouldn’t spin the rest of the season. It was, hands down, one of the toughest, darkest days…
Ah, September. Where did you come from? This month will forever signify clean slates, fresh starts and juicy possibilities. In honor of that – and thanks to some Jacki Carr inspiration… seriously, this lady speaks to my heart in her every post – here’s what I’m working on…
Monday, August 27 – while I enjoy post-race rest days, today I had a tough time not heading out for a ride. My sore, inflamed legs – ever sorer than after Chisago! – would have liked an easy, high cadence spin. But, sometimes life…
I wasn’t planning on racing last weekend. But, while standing in line at the Superior Man 70.3 race check-in, Nick bummed about his bum running knee and me pouting because there likely wouldn’t be time to workout on Sunday, we thought… why not ask to…
I still can’t believe this happened. Sixty amazing seconds of free fall from 13,000 feet…! Skydiving has been on my in-this-life list for years. I originally threw it on there because it sounded adventurous… quite honestly, though, it seemed rather risky and a bit…