weekly workouts // october 1

Monday, October 1 – today was all about family. Nick and I were at Telemark Resort in Cable, Wisconsin with my parents and sister + brother-in-law for a few days of much needed R&R. We didn’t do much today other than be tourists in…


race report: building strength 5K

It’s funny how something as simple has a ponytail can be so irritating. After the fifth attempt to put it up – and a squabble with Nick about who was going to drive the roof rack equipped car – I rushed out the door,…


currently: october 2012

How did October happen?! October! I’m not complaining, though, as I love this month and all its cozy scarves, tall boots and chunky sweaters. Another reason I enjoy October: It blows in big seasonal changes – freezing temps this weekend?! Bah! – as well…


weekly workouts // september 24

Monday, September 24 – what a beautiful September night! It seemed like ages since I sat on Nick’s wheel down river road… nothing like drafting at 23 mph! A couple miles from home we started brainstorming dinner ideas, deciding on homemade pizza, so we…


shape your world.

Tuesday morning started out like any other: a quick stop at the co-op for gingerade kombucha and coconut macaroons en route to work. Not long after arriving, the day’s first meeting notice popped up. Leadership workshop. Ugh. At 9a, standing at my desk, catching…


weekly workouts // september 17

Monday, September 17 – my legs ached a bit today after yesterday’s 7.5-mile run, so I took a nice, relaxing rest day and lounged on the sofa, reading and blogging while drinking some tea. Lovely. Tuesday, September 18 – an unintended rest day, as…


ironman inspiration.

Last Sunday’s Ironman Wisconsin can be summed up in one word. Inspirational. From the moment the gun went off at 7a until 10:30p (and later) when triathletes were still pounding the State Street pavement, there wasn’t a second when I wasn’t accutely aware of the…



Traffic drives.me.crazy. You know the kind… bumper to bumper, move just five feet at a time, take an hour to get home after work traffic. There are a zillion other things I’d rather do besides waste time sitting behind the wheel not moving. So, when…
