HOT DAMN. Ironman Coeur d’Alene was one of the hardest and definitely the hottest thing I have ever done. And, although not the outcome I trained for – 106F = goal paces out the…
After a fantastic 1,300-mile road trip across North Dakota, Montana and Idaho with my good friend, Sonia – including a visit at my aunt + uncle’s in western NoDak and a stay at the…
Time to dust off the cobwebs three weeks out from Ironman Coeur d’Alene! pre-race Mosquitoes welcomed us just after sunrise to Lake Rebecca Park Reserve near Rockford. After a quick check-in and packet pick-up,…
Knock on wood, but my CdA training cycle has been smooth sailing (except for my first-ever saddle sore… ouchie). So, when the folks at Orthology asked if I’d be interested in a complimentary tune-up,…
This past Sunday night, a double rainbow capped off the day’s double run and three weeks of run overload. Fitting, right?! Never have I ran this much – 156 miles in those three weeks – not…
Here we are… exactly two months out from Ironman Coeur d’Alene. How did that happen?! I’ve been so in the zone lately that I barely noticed it’s suddenly almost May. The theme of the…
drinking Homemade booch. At long, long last, Nick and I finally brewed our own kombucha. Not sure why we waited so long… it was so easy. Thank you, Coeur Sports teammate Erin, for the scoby!…
When I started cycling in 2006, I was pretty clueless. It took me a few rides to realize shorts with a chamois were a must, and even after a several thousand miles, I rarely remembered to…