Happy summer, friends! Our anniversary on May 30 (4 this year!) is our unofficial kickoff to these glorious months in Minnesota, and lemme tell you – I have never been happier to welcome a new season. Spring was brutal. Between all the sickness (strep and 3 months with a sinus infection!) and being laid off the end of March (still pretty upset about it), 2023 has been a fairly terrible year. I’d maybe even argue the worst year of my life Hoping things are on the upswing soon because I could really use some good and happy.
That said, not everything’s been terrible. We had a great weekend at the Birkie – Nick’s 10th year racing and Jackson’s first year spectating! It was a much needed escape from the city for a few days, even if it wasn’t somewhere warm. We also celebrated a very belated Christmas with my family at my sister and BIL’s cabin in Wisconsin. Lots of happy lake memories to come there

Jackson continues to be the best ever. He’s almost 2(!) and learning something new daily – it’s so fun to watch the wheels turning in real time! And the giggles. So many giggles. There’s nothing better. Don’t get me wrong, there are definite challenges, too – the language barrier mostly – but I wouldn’t trade this season for anything. He currently loves Duplos and Annie’s graham bunnies, just passed the first level at swimming lessons, is obsessed with swinging, mostly uses his left hand for everything, sticks his tongue out when concentrating, is shy in new situations and around new people, carries around multiple pacis, runs everywhere (no surprise there), babbles nonstop, and loves his doggies (mostly Olli because Luma is a sassy old lady). He’s our everything.

Other spring highlights bringing joy lately…
– alley hangs with our awesome neighbors
– daily walks with my little dude after picking him up from daycare
– swinging kettlebells in my basement and recommending Body and Bell to everyone I know (Nick’s even joined me! Holler if you want in, too!)
– biking again and getting out on my ancient road bike (that needs a lot of love) and family cruises with the Thule carrier
– shorts and dress season! I’m on the hunt for great shorts so if you have a favorite pair, lemme know. On rotation right now: inner glow high-rise, speed up high-rise, and track that high-rise, all from lululemon, along with my denim go-tos, the Annabelle short (perhaps a bit too short for a 43yo mom, but IDGAF).
– sun-kissed summer skin, but also always wearing sunscreen. Gimme all the supergoop! glow screen.
– working hard on my portfolio: erinweiler.com. My work is password protected so message me if you want to see it.
– and life with two velcro vizslas. Always an adventure!

Love all the smiles in the family picture and Happy Anniversary!
Sending a virtual hug for all the garbage 2023 has brought you so far-mine has been the worst as well and sometimes the stress seems relentless. I have pretty much isolated myself from the whole world and am trying to snap out of it, but I feel like I’m on a roller coaster at times and it’s exhausting. Things are starting to look up a bit-Dave and Chris both struggled with long covid symptoms, but seem to be getting over it nearly a year later. Greg’s growth has stalled again so we are starting back at the beginning with labs and doctors to see if we can get him to thrive. Parenting can be amazing, but also gut-wrenching, right??
Take care!
Thanks so much, Amy! Sending you a big virtual hug, too
Long covid is no joke – so glad to hear they’re on the upswing. And I hope labs and docs can give you some answers for Greg. Parenting is hard, but know that you’re doing an amazing job!