A belated happy 2023, friends! Not sure about you, but I blinked and it went from 2020 to 2023. The last three years have been such a time warp! And I know covid is still a thing – I still feel like I’m recovering from when I had it in November – but things are feeling sorta back to the Before Times. It’s refreshing.
Anyway, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve set goals or intentions or even a word of the year. Not doing so left me floundering a bit – maybe that contributed to the 3-year time warp?! – so at the start of the month, without overanalyzing too much, I jotted down my word and a short more/less list. LFG.

In light of my more/less list, we’ve been on a declutter and organization kick. It’s feel great to clean out the stuff we don’t need, is collecting dust, or is no longer useful. It feels equally great to get the rest in order. Favorites so far: more drawers for our Elfa cloest system, all the baskets to corral all the things (I never understood my mom’s basket obsession when I was little – now I get it because baskets are life), and perhaps most important: buying less stuff. That’s honestly the best way to reduce clutter. And it’s helped me immensely – along with making lists in my Notes app or Pinterest boards of all the things I think I need, and ruminating on them for a long time. More than half the time I end up not buying the thing after thinking about it for awhile.
I’m 19 months postpartum, and I’m finally feeling almost like myself. If you’d told me before having Jackson that it would take this long I would have laughed at you. Postpartum is hard, and if I’ve learned one thing – along with a bazillion other things – it’s that women need to give ourselves grace during this time. We put too much pressure on ourselves to be back to be where we were before pregnancy and focus on what everyone else is doing postpartum, and lemme tell you, that comparison is the thief of joy. It’s taken me a long time to stop comparing myself other women who’ve recently had babies and to instead to feel good with where I’m at. Am I still annoyed with and self conscious of my stomach? YES. But I’m also proud I can swing a 28kg kettlebell like it’s nothing. I’m having a blast focusing on what I can do and honestly, not having any races on the calendar. While part of me misses the daily grind of working toward a goal race, it’s been freeing to instead focus on fitness for fun and for the joy of moving my body. I’ll race again eventually – and look forward to doing that sort of hard thing again – but for now, this is exactly where I wanna be.
January brought lots of changes in the Weiler household! The biggest: at 18 months old, Jackson started daycare. We’ve been lucky – Nick’s mom watched him at our house up until now and we’re so grateful, but it was time to transition. Also lucky: we found an in-home daycare two blocks from our house! Amy is wonderful, and Jackson loves her and his new friends. It’s definitely been an adjustment for all of us – lots of tears the first couple weeks – but we’ve found a groove, and gosh the house is quiet! Not so lucky, though: we’ve basically been nonstop sick since he started (Jackson even threw up for the first time ever… the saddest!). Such is life with a kiddo in daycare, right?! As soon as you’re over one cold, it’s onto the next.

And the other January highlight: Jackson started swimming lessons. Given how much he loved the pool and splash pad last summer and the ocean in Hawaii, we were sure he’d be a fish at lessons. Instead, there’s been lots of screaming and crying. For the most part, each lesson’s gone a little better than the last, but we’re still repeating baby backfloat one until he’s comfortable.
What’s fashion in Minnesota in the dead of winter?! Combined with WFH life, it’s basically nonexistent. But I can tell you my favorites that get me through subzero days and walking Jackson to daycare. Because the saying is true: there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. So my must-haves: Patagonia tres parka, Skida alpine neckwarmer, Skida wheelock hat, Hestra leather mittens, and Bogs (do you even live somewhere with winter if you don’t own Bogs?! Best winter boots hands-down).

favorite thing
Postpartum also did a number on my bra selection and until I stopped pumping in July I mostly wore a Hatch pumping bra everyday because it was easier than changing several times a day. Then I rotated between a couple lululemon sports before finally realizing I needed a grown up bra. So I ordered new ones from Negative and I’m obsessed. The sieve bra top is surprisingly supportive and is beyond comfortable, with the sieve triangle bra a close second. The nursing bras are great, too.
the doggos
And your monthly doggo pics…

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