If I’m being honest, the last two months have been only ok. November is always my least favorite, as it’s suddenly dark at 4:30p thanks to Daylight Saving ending, it’s cloudy most days, and it usually snows at some point. But we made the most of it by getting outside nearly every day (committing to this all winter!). December was better and went by in a blink, thanks to the holidays and taking the last two weeks off (adult winter break is the best!).
The most notable event of the last two months: spending my first nights away from Jackson at a work offsite in Berlin. It went much better than I expected – and I loved spending time with my colleagues, meeting most IRL for the first time – but it was still so hard for so many reasons: horrible jet lag (the worst sleep of my life), being so far away for nearly a week (I was so homesick that I contemplated flying home a couple days early), and pumping (including on the flights).
With that, a look what else was up.
After a busy couple months of travel, we hunkered down at home. As hard as winter is for me, being cozy at home is one of my favorite things. We’ve had a lot of TV nights (recent favorites include season two of The White Lotus, Manifest – so cheesy, but can’t stop watching – and season two of Firefly Lane), some reading nights, and soaking up all this special time with Jackson. He just turned 18 months and it feels like a dream that he was once a newborn. Time 😭
No projects going on, though we’re planning to go through all our accumulated stuff (where does it all come from?!), purge/donate, and in general organize what’s left during no TV January. Also notable: our furnace went out the week before Christmas and then our microwave did the day before Christmas, so merry Christmas to us!
Happy to say that after seven long weeks, my broken pinky toe finally healed and I started running again at the end of November. Strength training via Body & Bell was amazing in the interim – I feel so strong and am still doing it 3x/week – but dang, there’s nothing quite like running. Thrilled to be back at it, and I feel the best I have in a long time thanks to the running-kettlebell combo. I was hoping to hit 1,000 miles by yearend, but given that little blip, I was just shy by about 60 miles.
And sorta fitness related, I guess? When I got back from Berlin on November 12, I installed a software update on my Garmin Fenix 7s and promptly after, my data – HRV, resting HR, and stress scores – tanked. And I mean, HRV down 20+ points, RHR up 8bpm, stress score 15 points higher for 5-6 weeks despite feeling completely fine. It messed with my head so much I had to stop wearing it! I thought for sure it was a software bug, despite not really seeing any forum chatter and Garmin itself not getting any reports. But then I thought about it a bit more, and even though I had two negative tests, I realized that there was a strong possibility that I got asymptomatic covid while in Berlin (a bunch of colleagues did), even though I had it a month prior and was boosted in September. So now here we are, the beginning of January, and just last week my RHR finally dipped below 50bpm, my HRV at baseline, and stress score back to normal. It was bizarre. Has anyone else experienced this with covid? I’m so curious.

Two things. 1, we joined the children’s museum and it’s been the best thing! Jackson loves running around exploring all the things, with his favorites so far the fire truck and water play (no surprise on that latter!). And 2, after 18 months at home (that includes 4.5 months of mat leave), Jackson starts daycare in January. We’ve been fortunate to have Nick’s mom take care of him at our house until now and are forever grateful. But it’s time for a change – for him and for us – though it’s not without mixed feelings and the constant internal struggle of I want to work and I need alone time, but omg someone else – basically a stranger?! – is gonna raise my kiddo all day and when will I see him?! I know it’ll be fine and he’ll grow and thrive, but gosh, it’s also just so hard. Again, time 😭

For the first time since the pandemic started in March 2020, I wore real clothes(!) for a week during a work offsite in Berlin. My style hasn’t changed much post pandemic, but I have narrowed down what I feel best in: ankle-length denim with some stretch, a top or sweater (usually solid, sometimes a fun print, and almost always grey, black, or cream because Team Neutral For Life), sneakers, and depending on weather, a fun jacket. Current favorites are Mother for denim, Apiece Apart for tops, and Veja or Frēda Salvador for sneakers.

favorite thing
I’ve really been making a conscious effort to eat more protein the last few months. As a most-of-the-time vegetarian – I still eat grass-fed beef or bison occasionally as well as salmon, sardines, etc. – it hasn’t been easy. I shoot for at least 100g a day, which is tough without supplementing so in November I added Promix grass-fed collagen + BCAAs (20g of protein per serving). I froth with a bit of Oatly and add to my morning coffee. It’s not sweet and took a bit to acquire a taste for it, but now I look forward to coffee even more (as if that’s possible as a parent, right?!).
the doggos
Love these two hooligans so much.

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