Hi there! How are we more than halfway through summer?! As hot as it’s been, I’m so not ready to be on the tail end of it. More of the same this month – after-work stroller walks when it’s not 95F, working out, getting out of the house when I can (had my first float at Awaken for Wellness in years and omg it was incredible and relaxing), and you know, all the usual stuff when you have a toddler at home.
I’m trying a new currently format this month, bucketing it into consistent categories: home, fitness, family, fashion, my favorite thing, and the dogs. Lemme know what you think or if you wanna see anything else!
With that, here’s a look at July…
You guys, why is it so hard to find good contractors? We started out so strong on what was supposed to be a quick backyard reno (2 weekends!), but it’s stretched into nearly two months and the dude has basically ghosted us, leaving our paver patio, sidewalk, and deck revamp unfinished. It’s so frustrating. We’re trying to find a new contractor who can wrap it up so we have a safe space for Jackson to play the last couple months of nice weather.
I have lots of thoughts on fitness and racing – so much so that they deserve their own post so watch for that soon. That said, the highlight this month was starting Body & Bell, a kettlebell-based strength program on the Ladder app. I debated starting this program for months (inspired by Women’s Health editor Liz Plosser who does it and is so strong! It’s been so cool to watch her progress over the last year), but felt too wimpy postpartum. I finally got over my insecurities and joined and love it so much (maybe even more than biking right now?!). It feels amazing to throw heavy (for me) bells around and only a few weeks in I feel stronger – I can even tell when running. I’m excited to keep at it and see more strength gains. Holler if you wanna join me!

July is a big month in the Weiler household! While Jackson’s birthday is June 29, we celebrated his first birthday the first weekend of July. Complete with sweet potato cake with cream cheese frosting (will definitely make again), playing at the park, and with our families. It was perfect ♡ I can’t believe he’s one – it legit feels like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. The saying is true: the days are long, but the years are short.
Other highlights: Nick’s birthday (forever eclipsed by Jackson’s… ha!) and our meet-cute (11 years ago HOW). We also transitioned Jackson to his big boy crib (out of our room!) and much to our surprise, it went great! No issues except for the first time, and now he loves it. Must be the fancy Avocado mattress 😉
Let’s be honest, I wear really old lululemon speed shorts and a tee or sweatshirt most days (my WFH uniform haha). That said, when I leave the house – mostly because I miss wearing cute real clothes – I put on my going out summer uniform: denim cut-offs and a tank. My go-tos: Citizens of Humanity Annabelle shorts (in freefall or solano canyon) and either a white, grey, or black tank (big fan of the babe tee (in the pic below), this rib tank in heather grey, and this jersey tank in white).

favorite thing
I don’t collect anything (at least not anymore – there was a stamp collection when I was little and then a vintage McCoy pottery phase in my 20s 😆), but I do love me a good handmade coffee mug. My small collection grew by one this month with the addition of a Peter Shire splatter mug, picked up from Canyon Coffee. As if I didn’t love my morning oat milk latte enough, it’s somehow even better in good mug.

July was a scorcher, which means it’s been tough to get the doggos out for walks and runs. They spend a fair share of the day running around the backyard, but it’s not the same as Olli running 5+ miles with Nick. So they’ve been a little stir crazy, which means Olli harasses Luma every chance he gets. Morning neighborhood watch is going strong every morning, too.

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