Hi! Long time no chat. How was your May? Mine was filled with real life things thanks to the loveliest break from instagram. A few of the highlights:
- Spring finally arrived! One day it was cold and grey and everything was brown, and then boom!, overnight it turned green. That also means it’s porch season – the best place for morning coffee.
- My first Mother’s Day! I had a wonderful day with my two dudes and felt so loved. And even unexpectedly got to see my sister.
- My first in-person work event in over two years (the Confab conference – I should also note they had fantastic pumping accommodations!) and dinner at my favorite Minneapolis restaurant, 112 Eatery.
- I hopped into a fun 5k in our backyard.
- And we celebrated our 3-year anniversary with a family run to Minnehaha Falls and pizza.

Here’s a look at a bit more of the month…
turning off instagram
Turning off instagram for nearly a month is by far one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. I like the platform, but in the few months leading up to signing off I didn’t like how it was making me feel: inadequate, not enough, ordinary, a slacker, always wanting more, I could go on. After thinking about it while laying in bed on a Sunday night, I decided enough was enough and haven’t been back on since. And I can’t tell you how good it’s been for my mental health. My brain isn’t as foggy. Everything’s clearer. I’m more in the moment. My concentration is better. I feel more creative. I’m focused on my life and priorities rather than someone else’s. There’s more time in my day. And most importantly, I’m happier. While I don’t plan to quit entirely, I do plan to be much more mindful how I use it, who I follow, and the time I spend scrolling.
Following a 3-week break after Boston, I’m back working with my coach. Nothing hard yet – just focusing on consistency, getting back on the bike, and some easy run miles. I still haven’t signed up for any other races, but I have a few ideas so now I just need to decide. I had a moment after I got an email about IMMT and entertained signing up for a hot second, mostly because there are so many Kona slots (75 + 14 Women for Tri slots!) and I’m still annoyed there was only one when I raced in 2018. But as fun as that would be, a 140.6 in less than three months definitely isn’t in the cards – especially given just finishing isn’t how I’d want to race (I’d be all-in, duh). So we’ll see!

getting organized
To be fair, we’ve only had this magnetic fridge calendar about a week, but it’s already proving to be a game changer. Rather than detailing a month like it’s intended, we divide it up with a row for Nick, a row for me, a row for Jackson’s nap schedule, a row for meal planning both for us and for Jackson, and a row for miscellaneous. It’s so nice to have it all detailed in one place front and center instead of us just talking about our weekly schedules and writing Jackson’s down on a piece of paper that sits on the counter (and yay for one less thing on my kitchen counters!).

11 months!
I’m in denial that Jackson turns one next month 😭 I honestly don’t know where the last year’s gone. That said, the last month was a ton of fun! He’s still army crawling everywhere, stands constantly and walks while holding onto furniture, loves to be outside, loves his puppies (especially Olli), just cut his third tooth (a top one), and is so curious, inspecting everything he holds to see how it works. We love him beyond the beyond ♡

the doggos
Olli turned 2 on May 20. We celebrated with peanut butter bones from World Street Kitchen. We’re now in their happiest season: sunbathing in the backyard.

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