April was been a mixed bag. Most notably: the garbage weather. The sun was out maybe three days and the rest of the month felt like November. So I’m ready for sunshine and warmer temps! Sleep was also terrible this month, too, as after Boston Jackson regressed and now thinks it’s fun to wake up before 6a (prior to that, he consistently slept until at least 7a, some days later). It’s been brutal on my marathon recovery, and two weeks later I can still feel some fatigue in my legs.
The month wasn’t a total bust, though! We took our first flight as a family of three, Jackson’s taken some giant developmental leaps, we started stroller running, Nick started a new job, and I ran my first postpartum race/my first race since October 2019. Here’s a look…

running and racing and debating what’s next
Boston Marathon was all the things – fun, hard, sorta disappointing, painful, exhilarating. I’m so grateful for my body allowing me to both sustain a tiny human and to train and race a marathon at the same time (but omg I’m exhausted). I have to keep reminding myself this because my brain keeps going to “it was just a marathon” (thanks, IRONMAN and social media, for skewing my perception!) when it fact it’s pretty f&$%ing amazing. But that’s the thing. While I know it’s amazing, the irrational side of my brain is disappointed that I didn’t run faster (WTF were you, mom strength?! LIES) and that even after logging some of the most miles I ever have in a marathon build, I still have a C-section shelf and what’s that about?! Another reminder to myself and to anyone else struggling with the postpartum bod: you can be forever grateful to what your body’s done (grown and birthed a human!) and does (run big miles!) while at the same time miss your pre-babe bod and be frustrated with where you’re at. You can feel both those things and that’s ok. And while I know my body’s different than it was before – and honestly, most days I am ok with it – I’m not gonna lie: I do want my super fit, non C-section shelf body again.
Anyway, now that Boston’s done, I’ve been thinking about what’s next. And I don’t know what that is yet. Maybe a fall marathon, maybe a fall 70.3, maybe just fitness/strength training for life, definitely not a 140.6. Whatever it is, it has to be manageable with Nick training for Kona because I refuse for both of us to be gone on 7-hour training Sundays and have someone else watch our little dude. Anyone else struggle with this? But what I might be struggling with more: is my heart in racing long course again or is that what I feel like I should do? I go back and forth and I haven’t figured it out yet.
reading (and not reading)
With the aforementioned drop in sleep, my motivation to read has sorta taken a nosedive, too, but I’m still managing about 20 minutes before bed to wind down. I finished two books in April (mostly thanks to lots of quiet time in Boston while Jackson napped): The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. Couldn’t put either down!
I think we can all agree that the last two years (or even the last six?!) have been mentally exhausting and overwhelming. I was glued to the news for so long that a few months ago I stopped. I definitely still keep up with what’s going on in general – I’m not that checked out – but it’s not all. the. time. like it was. It’s been so good for my mental health.
I’ve long thought about branching out into some freelance writing, but hadn’t pursued it. And then last month, my first project fell into my lap. Fitting, too: three articles about one of my favorite races – IRONMAN Wisconsin. It’s been so fun to flex that side of my writing brain again, and tbh, I had a hard time not clicking the “register” button after I finished writing. Watch for a few more about upcoming IRONMAN races, too! And thank you, Jen, for thinking of me.
house projects
Oh, the joy of homeownership. The projects never end, amiright?! While our second floor reno is done – and I swear I’ll share soon, just need to take pics! – we’re finishing up brightening up our basement. It’s a second family room (mostly where Jackson can play) as well as laundry and workout rooms and bike storage. Given our WFH life, we’re also working on maximizing function and storage and having a place for everything around the house. Clutter drives me bonkers, so this project is so satisfying – ha!
favorite thing
So many favorite things this last month, but let’s talk about soap 😆 I’ve cleaned up nearly all of our household and personal care products, but usually ended up using Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap, mostly out of convenience. The last bottle we had was some terrible geranium scent and every time I washed dishes it made my eyes hurt. Then I came across Koala Eco natural dish soap and between the light lemon and mandarin scent and the pump – all dish soap bottles should have a pump! – it’s so much better. Definitely doesn’t suds as much, but still gets dishes clean.
I’m also currently obsessed with Bathing Culture mind and body wash. The rainbow glass bottle looks pretty in the shower and it smells heavenly. Reminds me of our trip to Big Sur.

10 months!
I know I say it every month, but how on earth is Jackson 10 months?! Time is a thief. Highlights of this one: his first flight (it was… not great 🥴), his first teeth (the bottom two!), constantly pulling himself up and standing, babbling nonstop, our first stroller run (he loves them!), and in general constantly on the move. We are so lucky.

the doggos
These two. Olli’s been running a ton with Nick – he’s up to 8 miles and even that’s like nothing for him – and Luma still refuses to go for walks unless they’re off-leash at the dog park.

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