I quietly returned to blogging in October, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written a life update. It’s been the slowest fastest year – I swear I’ve blinked and it’s suddenly November (wowza, October was a stunner month in Minnesota!) and I’m back to work today after 18 weeks of mat leave. I’m so grateful for my time off and to work for a company that has paid leave, but gosh, I’m not ready to go back. I feel like I’m just starting to find a rhythm and feel more like myself (and don’t get me started about the US’s BS lack of a federal mat leave policy…).
With that, here’s what’s been up the last month…
my health
Postpartum is wild, y’all. One minute I feel great and string together a bunch of consecutive days of working out. The next, my incision feels weird and my body image is in the trash. And to be honest, it’s been mostly the latter lately and it’s really freaking hard 🥴 I never thought I’d be someone who calls a walk a workout (paused running for a bit last week because I cut my the ball of my foot near my pinky toe pretty deep and didn’t wanna keep aggravating it), but here we are and I’m not super thrilled about it. So today, I’m starting fresh with my coach and I cannot wait to be back on a training schedule after six months off. I have goals for next year that I’ll write about soon, but will say they don’t involve a 140.6 because I’m unwilling to put in the time at the same time Nick’s training for Kona.
Another thought on health. A good friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, so ladies, please get your mammogram. I got my first last year, and other than the boob smashing being kinda awkward, it’s a cinch.
our day-to-day
The days seem to blend into one – please tell me that’s not just me, but rather what it’s been like for most during the last 18 months?! They’re punctuated by oat milk lattes at Northern Coffeeworks, midday stroller walks (these are my favorite and every time I’m out walking along the creek I’ve overwhelmed by another level of happy), listening to Jackson squeal with excitement while playing on his lovevery play mat, trying to pull the house together after our bathroom renovation (more to come on that soon!), feeding Jackson every 3.5-4 hours, and corralling two bonkers vizslas. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

gearing up for
Winter. It’s not that I don’t like snow because I do. What I don’t like, though: the darkness and days below zero. Nick and I have been talking a lot lately about how we want to design our life, and frigid days aren’t part of it. What we’d love to have close everyday: mountains, the ocean, and some snow – just not the miserable cold like we get here. Because freezing nose hairs the second you step outside isn’t that enjoyable, amiright?! It’s exciting to dream and scheme! In the meantime, though, we’ll be bundling up and making the most of winter.
four months old!
And, last but certainly not least, Jackson is four months(!) (we obviously we marked it with World Street kitchen tofu burrios) and celebrated his first Halloween as a pumpkin 🎃

Mountains, the ocean + some snow sounds a lot like Seattle. Just saying 🙂 Though the fact that we haven’t seen the sun much in the past month, less great.
The PNW is tops on my list! And Seattle – one of my favorite cities, so you never know ☺️