And just like that, it’s OCTOBER(!). Since we really didn’t get spring this year – remember that blizzard on April 15 when two feet of snow fell?! – summer felt so short, but the good news: it was crammed with fantastic – from yard work to cruiser rides to dinners al fresco to weekend trips.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a life update, so I’m stealing this coffee date catch-up from a few other blogs. My favorite coffee lately: iced oat milk lattes at our neighborhood coffee shop, Angry Catfish. Anyone else love oat milk? What’s your go-to coffee drink? Grab it, and let’s cheers and chat!
Here’s what’s been up and on my mind…
the AG Kona allocation system
Bummed is an understatement about my AG only having one Kona spot at IMMT. I was crushed – and then I was, and still am, angry. So I looked into it a little more to figure out why there was only one spot in my AG (35-39) when every race has had two spots since they dropped from 50 spots to 40. Turns out, I’m not the only one curious about the AG KQ allocation. Russell Cox has been analyzing AG races and the allocation for a while, and the Live Feisty ladies have been asking questions, too.
Turns out, IM recently changed the formula – BUT NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS.
YOU GUYS. Why is this a secret?! Why isn’t IM transparent about it? Are they hiding something? The exact number of spots in each AG should be up front and center before the cannon fires at every single race.
I totally get that fewer women race IM – and that under the new allocation math maybe it’s more proportional to the number of people in each AG. You know what that means, though? It means that men now get more spots (case in point: one of the men’s AGs at IMMT had FIVE spots and it rolled to 10th. Three women’s AGs had ONE each). But as Kebby from Coeur pointed out, more people in an AG doesn’t necessarily mean that AG is faster. It simply means more people are racing in that AG.
My answer to IM’s new math: eff that, patriarchy. If we want more women to race, there has to be more opportunity. More – and equal – female pro spots at Kona = more elite AGers stepping up to take their pro card. More AG Kona spots = potentially more women racing IM in general. Maybe that means slots are split evenly – 20 for men and 20 for women. Maybe that means a tiered system of elite racers and AG racers (like at a lot of local races). Maybe that means men get fewer spots (gasp! And maybe understand what it’s like to be a woman!). And it surely means that IM share their formula with us.
It’s time, IM. A rising tide lifts all boats.

I mentioned this on a recent #miniblog Monday: sleep has been a number one focus this summer. There’s really no better way to recover than a solid eight hours of shuteye. Some days, er many days, it’s a challenge to be in bed before 9:30p, but I do my best. And unlike past training cycles, if I didn’t at least seven hours of sleep, I moved my morning workout to that evening – or skipped it all together if it was a swim (sorry, coach!) – so I could get an extra hour.
Getting a good night’s sleep isn’t without a little help. I’m obsessed with our Marpac Dohm sound machine. Do you guys have one of these?! We didn’t bring it with us to Missoula, and OMG… I could hear Nick (and myself) breathing and had the hardest time falling asleep. As soon as we got home, I ordered their travel sound machine.
And my other go-to sleep aids: a Lunya washable silk sleep mask (how did I ever sleep without a sleep mask?!) and a glass of Calm raspberry-lemon magnesium about 30 minutes before bed.

the library
A few months ago, I replaced my book buying habit with a library card. OMG, why did I wait so long to do this?! There’s a library just down the street, and their online reservation system makes it a cinch to request books. There’s usually a short wait, so I requested around 20 books to start – and then a bunch of them arrived at the same time. Needless to say, I didn’t finish all of them, but I have plowed through 10+ books so far (and have saved probably $120 by not buying them!). Five more are waiting for pick-up, so we’ll see if I can finish those before they’re due 🙂 Anyone have any must-reads? Let me know in the comments!
My recent favorites:
- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
- The Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo
- This is How it Always is by Laurie Frankel
- Educated by Tara Westover
- Tears of Salt: A Doctor’s Story by Lidia Tilotta and Pietro Bartolo
- Smoke Gets in Your Eyes & Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty

there’s no place like home-home
I made a conscious decision this year to not let triathlon be my life. And that meant saying yes to more things (though not all the things. Because introvert), including two trips home-home where it’s dusk until 10:30p in the summer. They were easily highlights of my summer. Not only did I celebrate my 20-year high school reunion – WTF how did that happen – but I got to spend time with my amazing grandparents. They recently moved into assisted living (and then Grandma to the nursing home 🙁 ) – it’s so hard to see them somewhere other than the house they lived in for 50 years. I still can’t believe we’ll never again play Scrabble with Grandma over a cup of tea in her kitchen. But that’s time and life (sigh), and I’m incredibly grateful for all the games we played, all the cups of tea we drank ♥ Heart swells, tears well…

natural deodorant
I’m starting to clean up my beauty routine (DYK all the harmful chemicals in personal care products and make-up?! Ew – I do not want that shit on or in my body). First up: deodorant. I’m currently using both Kopari coconut and Schmidt’s lavender + sage (I also have the charcoal + magnesium version, but haven’t really used it yet). And while neither has quite the same power as Secret or Dove, both smell amazing, and I don’t feel horrible putting either on my body. Note: if you’re switching to natural deodorant, know that it takes some time for your body to adjust. I don’t sweat nearly as much as I did when I first started using it. Anyone have a natural deodorant brand they love? Let me know!
And lastly – a photo of Luma. Because who doesn’t love dog pics?! Find more of her on her insta account, too 🙂

I recently switched to a natural deodorant too! I’m using a local company called Auntie Bs beeswax deodorant and get the lavender scent ( you can order online and find in some boutiques in the east metro or western WI) and LOVE it! I hardly sweat with it and its not an anti-perspirant . if I want more moisture control I’ve been adding or using in place the LUSH dry powder deodorant and it works well!
Ooo… will look that one up. It sounds great – thanks for the recommendation, Katie!
Native Deodorant, I have been using it for years! And I see Target is selling it now 🙂
+1 for Native!
Thank you, Caroline! Can’t wait to try it!
Funny you mention Native, Heather – after I published this post, I found Native and have had a Chrome tab open ever since. Added to my Target list now, too! Thank you!
I remember they used to post the slot allocation before the race. Its obviously changed and probably more than 1x in the last 9 years!
I haven’t worn deodorant in like 10 years. Not sure how I get away with it. But I just stopped wearing it one day! 😉
They did?! Wonder why that changed… hmm… ’bout time they start doing that again. Oh, wow – that’s awesome! Lucky you for sure! I’d be so stinky!
Why does IM do anything they do? I remember seeing the list and not even knowing what it was…that must have been at my first(’09)…I barely knew what I was doing then. 😉
https://lumedeodorant.com/ Love this stuff!
This one looks fantastic, too! Thanks for the recommendation, Leslie!
Slot Allocation! Brennen and I have been talking about this endlessly since IMWI. We agree it makes no sense, but we also struggle to come up with the best solution.
1. I cannot believe they rolled down one AG to 10th at IMMT! If you don’t get on that podium, you shouldn’t get a slot at Kona. Period. Those slots that weren’t taken in the top 5 should have been reallocated right away.
2. You should 100% know how many slots there are in each AG before the cannon fires. Make the slot call based on number of starters, not number of finishers. Then we know what we are fighting for on course. And it removes the emotional/nervous roller coaster after the awards ceremony.
3. 20 female/20 male slots sounds like a good idea to me. Numbers for females in the middle AGs are probably lower because baby making takes 9 months plus ~2-3 months recovery, and IM training takes ~6 months. It is harder for women to manage all of that, and definitely keeping women out of sport. (Though this argument could be debated.) We just have to prove that you can do both IM and motherhood. 🙂
4. There is so much truth to “more people in an AG doesn’t not make that AG faster” so giving out more slots based on numbers finishing is kind of dumb, but also kind of makes sense. I have mixed feelings. What I don’t like is the only 1 slot per AG. Maybe all AGs get 2 slots no matter what? (because it seems like most of the 25-45? AGs have a stellar athlete winning 30+ minutes before 2nd place, who could go pro…) so it gives us normal human beings a chance. Ha. After those slots are handed out, then add in the 3/4 slots per AG based on numbers?
Overall, it is frustrating. The girl who won my AG at IMWI told 2nd place and me right before going on stage that she wasn’t going to Kona. Of course that got me all excited. I knew there was most likely only 1 slot in my AG based on someone’s fancy pysch-sheet I found on Slowtwitch, but just maybe I would get a rolldown. No go.
We should get together soon! I’m thinking about IMMT for next August, even though I really just want to go back to IMWI. 🙂
So many great thoughts + insights, Paige! I totally agree. If you’re not on the podium, no Kona, period. If it rolls past fifth, that slot should go to another AG rather than rolling farther. I like your idea of two per AG, though that raises the question: What if an AG only has one person racing (like 70-74, for example)? Then what? There’s really no perfect answer, but one thing is for sure: we should know at the start of the raise how many slots per AG. Why they’re not clear with that is ridiculous.
Anyway, I’d love to get together to talk slot allocation, IMMT, IMWI, triathlon! Let’s connect and make it happen 🙂 xo.