It’s a new year, and along with that, I’m brushing off the blog. The perfect time to commit to writing and connecting more. I can’t tell you how much I missed that in the 2017 fog. So to start, I’m switching up my currently series to this: my three favorite things each month.
With that, here are my January favorites…
1 – maple cardamom almond milk lattes
One of the perks of city living: walking (or cruiser biking) to the neighborhood coffee shop. We’ve been going to ours, Angry Catfish, nearly every weekend for the same coffee – a maple cardamom almond milk latte. With a hint of maple sweetness and a slight reminder of my mom’s cardamom krumkake at Christmas, it’s so good. Also awesome: the coffee shop itself because it’s also a bike shop. Win-win.

2 – running outside
OK… in all fairness, I don’t love running outside when it feels like -15F. Or in the dark for five months. Despite that, though, I do love running outside year-round, even in winter’s freezing darkness. It gets me outside – fresh air! – when I otherwise would likely hibernate inside all winter. There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing, right?! Bundle up properly – here’s what I wear for most runs below 30F – and head out. The brisk fresh air is invigorating and a great reminder that you’re alive.

3 – reading nights
In 2017, there was no shortage of Netflix and Hulu binge-watching. We plowed through West World, Grey’s Anatomy (well, I did – all 13 seasons… I’m kinda embarrassed to admit that), The Handmaid’s Tale, Ozark, Spotlight, House of Cards, Stranger Things, This is Us. TOO MUCH TV. All that mindless autoplay made the year a bit of an anxious Groundhog Day blur. So this January, Nick and I kicked off no TV Tuesdays + Thursdays. Instead: reading. We light a fire, and I settle in on the sofa chaise with Luma, and Nick settles in on his recliner, and we read. And it’s been fantastic. But most importantly – it’s made me calmer and more in control of my attention.
Reads this month: Alias Grace and The Bright Hour (the latter is a must-read – it’s beautiful). And I’m a few chapters into The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion and about a third through Lilac Girls.

What about you guys? Any current favorites this month?
I’ve missed your posts Erin! I can’t wqit to follow along while you train and race. Living vicariously through other athletes this year 😆
Thank you, Beth! Excited for your adventure, too! Hope you’re feeling well 🙂
Reading in front of the fireplace is the best! I try to do it once a week in the afternoon while Chris is at kindergarten. If you’re interested in some Canadian reading 😉 Louise Penny is an amazing mystery author-her stories usually take place in and around Quebec.
Right?! THE best. So glad you’re able to find some time to read in front of the fireplace, too, Amy! Ooo… thanks for the author recommendation. Will look her up!
Implementing no TV Tuesday and thursdays! Thanks for a great idea.
Yeah! It’s so nice – happy reading! Any good book recommendations?
Yes… no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing! After a treadmill run last night, I was reminded why I pretty much exclusively run outside ALL year round 🙂 Love the idea of more reading for more calm!
Yay for another winter runner! It’s really pretty awesome, right?! Except for right now because I’m so antsy for spring (and done with subzero temps) 🙂 Hope you’re well, Kelsey!
I’m totally with you on no tv nights! I decided no tv mon-thurs (unless I’m on the trainer 😉 and I’m on book 10 of the year!! Can’t wait to see what you read
So impressed with all your reading! I’d totally be game for no TV Monday through Thursday, but I’d have to talk Nick into it 😉 Excited to see what else you read this year, too!
I very rarely watch TV any more. Having a Netflix show or two is always fun, but too much watching actually brings me down. I love reading though, and it never brings me down, even when I’m reading something sad like The Bright Hour. Coincidentally, I just finished it and it was one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Extra-coincidentally, I had reserved The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#$& a while back at the library and it just came in. Saw that you posted about that! I just finished Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer and it was great. Tells the story of women’s running in the US. Incredible how she was the backbone of it all. Her story is inspirational and there’s a lot of hardcore running woven in. Here are two left-field rec’s. Randomly picked this up at the (St. Paul Public) library and was stunned how good it was. Don’t get put off by the title: Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. Autobiography of woman who left her husband in CA and on a whim moved to Martha’s Vineyard and re-imagined her life. So good. Loved her other one too about growing up in CA, Fairy Tale Girl. Can’t get enough of good stories about fierce women. Happy reading! I just signed up for my first tri – the Women’s Tri at Lake Nokomis in August. Super excited for that so if you have any good tri books, I’m all ears!