week 9: sunday self-care.


Lemon zizzer deliciousness: fresh lemon + ginger, cayenne pepper, honey and hot water.

Week 9: Sunday self-care

There’s nothing quite like waking up on a Sunday morning with the whole day ahead – all to yourself.

A few weeks ago, I got one of those Sundays (Nick was skiing in Jackson Hole). Perfect timing, too, because I’d reached the point of overwhelm. You know that feeling. Seventeen too many things on the to-do list, not even close to enough time to do them. It’s times like that when the only thing you can do is step back, take a deep breath and LET IT GO. 

Which is exactly what I did. Rather than checking anything off the to-do list, I checked out instead to recharge my batteries with some Sunday self-care: sleeping in, Bialetti coffee, a good book, walks + snuggles with Luma, some sweaty trainer intervals, a massage, and my favorite drink, a lemon zizzer from Mississippi Market

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  • Reply Leslie @ TriathleteTreats 03/27/2017 at 11:35 pm

    I saw this quote TODAY! I have 99 things to do an an extra day during the weekend would take care of 98 of them! 🙂 So true right?!! Hope training is going well!

    • Reply erin 04/02/2017 at 11:03 am

      Oh, gosh… SO true! What I wouldn’t give for three-day weekends always! The world would be a happier + more productive place, I think 🙂 Training’s going great! Hope yours is, too, Leslie!

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