You guys. How is it June 30? I’m soaking up as much summer + sunshine as possible – anyone else loving daylight at 9p still?! – but seriously. Time needs to sloooooooow down. Despite flying by, June was packed full of goodness, from sunshiny Seattle to my first race of the season to…
cheering at
North Star Bike Fest. I say this every summer after spectating: I want to solely race my bike. The road is where I fell in love with cycling… the whir of wheels, mere inches from one another… the rush of the draft and pulling your teammates. Maybe after I’m done chasing my triathlon light I’ll hop in a crit or three. In the meantime, women’s cycling is where it’s at! These women are beyond inspiring, and it’s so cool that a five-day stage race happens in MPLSTP every June.

My new bike! I almost don’t feel worthy of riding this beauty – an Argon 18 E-119 TRI+.

Being back in aero and on my tri saddle has been an adjustment after riding my road bike for 2.5 months, but for the most part it’s come back quickly – and, will definitely feel even better after tonight’s bike fitting with the bicycle fit guru, Chris Balser. And, a hundred high-fives to Lee and Dan at Grand Performance for everything they did to get it in tip-top shape and ready to ride. These guys are perfectionists and the best in the biz; I won’t trust my bike with anyone else. Thank you! And, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention who made this happen. The biggest mahalo to Coeur Sports + Argon 18 Bike ♥

Being back on a tri bike with power again really puts training into perspective. I mean, Kona’s 100 days – 100 days! – from today. Not sure how that’s possible, but here we GO. Training’s intensifying and almost at the point where it’s swimbikerun all the time. Case in point: earlier this week I had some of the hardest bike intervals I’ve ever done. Thirty seconds into the first one of 10, I was cursing coach and wondering how I’d get through nine more. But, they somehow got done – and right on target. Lots more to come, and I couldn’t be more excited for it!
Running’s back on the schedule, too, which has been awesome. My ankle’s felt totally fine, but I’m so paranoid and in my head! I stop at least once each run to apply pressure to the spot that was injured – just to be sure it feels ok. I’m not the only one who does this, right?!

Nick at Grandma’s Marathon. It was a beautiful day along the north shore – for spectating a marathon, not running one. Temps topped out in the low 80s with a crazy high dew point + humidity. Nick had a rough go, and at mile 19, I hopped in to run with him to almost the finish (iPhone and a bottle of Coke in hand!). It was pretty cool to run the last stretch along spectator-lined London Road, though I felt a bit guilty for getting any cheers. I’m so proud of him for gutting it out on a super tough day (that ended in the med tent)! Other race weekend highlights: Turning internet friends into real friends (hi, Morgan! Congrats on your fantastic race!), and catching up with our Sound Probiotics friends, Ted and Mark.

As much as I can! My top read this month: Nora Purmort’s memoir, It’s Okay to Laugh: (Crying Is Cool Too). This is a must-read, folks. Nora’s an incredible storyteller, but most importantly, she writes about the things we all think about but are too chicken to actually talk about… you know, the really hard stuff – like cancer, death, miscarriage – that sooner or later we likely all go through. Her debut novel weaves together memorable stories from her life, little nuggets of wisdom, that will make you nod in agreement, laugh hysterically or sob uncontrollably. A favorite: I’m a garbage person with no talent and everyone is going to find out. -Inner monologue of nearly every talented, capable woman I know. Right?! That’s run through my head more times than I can count. Let’s stop this, ladies!
I’m also still reading Angela Duckworth’s latest, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, which is excellent, but it’s a little too much thinking for the time I usually have to read (the 20 minutes before bed). Plus I want to underline everything and take notes! I’ve also read a ton of great articles this month, but may highlight those in a separate post… too many good ones to bury in this post!
Another gem to add to your list: Cheryl Strayed’s Brave Enough. A quick read of all her spot-on quotes, perfect bedtime reading!

spending time with
This little lady. Could she be any cuter?! We had such a fun day at the pool – recovery swim for me, and nonstop jumping off the deck for Finley. What a fish with no fear of the water! Future swimmer / triathlete like her auntie, I think 🙂 Aside from her occasionally sassiness – #threenager – she’s whip smart and so attentive to detail. And, I swear she has the mind of an elephant and never forgets anything!

favorite quote
The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. -Miphan Mukpo
Girl, I has imposter syndrome too! It’s the worst. We definitely need to stop that nonsense. 100 Days!?! Holy crap! I’m so excited for you. Can’t wait to see you tear up Kona.
P.S. Can you rub some of that bike love off on me?
Right?! It takes constant positive self-talk to keep it away.
Thanks, my friend! It’s coming up so quickly… so excited! Sending you loads of bike love 🙂
Must be those February Birthdays. Mason will remind me of things I totally didn’t remember promising. Sometimes they are too smart for their own good!! Excited to see you and Nick in 2 months in MN:)
They really are! Can’t wait to see you guys and Mason, too! Good luck with the house sale, move and last weeks of baking that babe! 🙂
So excited to cheer for you when you race Kona! Living the dream, girl.
Thanks so much, Caitlin!
I’m giggling about your caption under the Lake Superior photo…eh? You would think you grew up close to Canada! 🙂
Seriously, only 100 more days???? Soon!!!!
Ha! It seemed appropriate 😉
Counting the days! Can’t wait for our vacation!
Awesome that you are back to running! And, yes, totally normal to keep checking the spot where your foot was injured. Thanks for sharing the final quote. I definitely need to keep that in mind! Good luck as you keep training in July.
Whew! Glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Hope you’re well, Kristina!
I’m so happy for you to be back to running!
And impostor syndrome….once I finally heard someone use that term, it was like a light bulb went off. So that’s what that feeling is.
And….100 days? Already? How is July now? Wild.
I think every single woman today knows that feeling. Let’s all keep talking about it and encouraging each other to make it disappear!
Thanks so much, Laura! So glad to be back running, too 🙂
Yeah!! You are running again!!! Love daylight savings, the sun, and summer!! Happy training!!!!
Yeah is right! So glad to be back at it. Hope your Wisco training is going well, Leslie! Thank you!
I started reading “It’s okay to laugh” over this weekend and am loving it. I alternate every couple of minutes between laughing out loud and crying. She is an amazing writer. Great recommendation!
Oh, so glad you’re loving the read, Jessie!
Love this update, Erin! You are busy as always, packing so much JOY into life. <3
Thanks so much, Emily! I’m trying 🙂 Hope you are well! Did I see you were recently home?! Hope you had a wonderful visit!