I wouldn’t exactly call Sunday’s Life Time indoor tri a race, but it was fun to dust off the transition cobwebs and start the year with some swimbikerun.
But, first… haaa-uge shout-out to Coeur Sports teammate Amy Gluck. More than two years after a devastating bike accident (she was hit by a negligent truck driver), she returned to triathlon, participating in the Life Time indoor tri in Commerce Township, Michigan. Amy is the absolute epitome of heart and courage, and I am so proud and honored to call her my teammate ♥
The nitty gritty of the Indoor Triathlon Hour powered by Life Time Tri and Ironman: a 10-minute pool swim (duh… it was -2ºF here), 30-minute bike and 20-minute run, all for distance.
I swam at somewhat uncomfortable pace and finished about 5m from 600m total, not bad coming off a few days of being sick and swimming once the past 10 days. Nick and I shared a lane, and though he took an early lead, I dusted him by about 25m (ha!).

The bike… eh. Spin bikes aren’t my favorite, and I don’t have SPDs (Hokas are good bike shoes, right?!), but still managed nine miles, which was oddly tougher than intervals on my trainer. My glutes were burning by the end thanks to the ill-fit bike (the saddle should have been higher, but I didn’t want to get off once I started pedaling).

And, the run… coach gave me strict instructions to not run hard. So I settled in at a comfortable 8:15 pace and dropped it a bit from there, running 2.54 miles total. Apparently all this run-slow-to-run-fast business is working because this run wasn’t hard at all and am certain I could have maintained 7:00 pace. Super excited for a couple spring running races!
All in all, a super fun, no pressure indoor event for all fitness levels! If you’re looking to try triathlon, this is a great way to start.
Happy swimbikerunning, friends!

I LOVE LTF indoor tris! I did three of them one year. Nice job to you and Nick!
Love it! The Brainerd YMCA also did an indoor tri, but I took the long course option 20 min swim, hour spin, 40 min run. My pace isn’t quite as fast as yours, but I loved the extra time in each sport.
That looked like fun! I used to love spin bikes until I put my road bike on a trainer-I haven’t felt good on a spin bike since.
Cool to see someone who did this event that I discussed on conference calls!
This looks like a ton of fun and how great that you were able to share a lane with Nick in the swim! I’ve always thought about doing one of these but it’s never worked with my schedule, I might need to try one this year 🙂
Sounds like fun and a great way to remind the legs what it feels like to swim, bike, run! There is nothing worse though than an uncomfortable spin bike. Luckily it wasn’t too long on the bike.
That looks so fun! Great work =)
Nice work lady!! We are looking at doing an indoor tri at the end of February here. I’m glad the bike portion wasn’t too long…there is nothing worse than an ill fit spin bike 😉
FUN! I have done one of these solo before but it would be really fun to get a group together to do one. When I first started running I used to always start out at a 6.0 on the treadmill and end at a 7.0, granted I was only ever running 3ish miles but I found that the slow to fast was always great and that finishing as a “push the pace” was great race simulation.
I want to do an indoor tri soon- that looks like fun! If anything, it would get me into the pool and swimming again…!
I have never done an indoor tri – but would love to “tri” one some day. I’ve done a simulation, which is some what similar, but not in a race format. Looking good woman!! I love your swimsuit!
Fun!! Great way to get in a work out!! 🙂 Excited to see what running races you are planning on!!
Great pictures and what a fun event!
Nice work on the run- I’d like to know more about this run-slow-to-run-fast?? How slow?
Fun. I have one of these this spring. Never even done a pool swim in a tri before so this will be interesting.
The lifetime indoor tri was my FIRST tri ever. Way to go guys!!!
Yeah, nice work! I, too, had the same issue with the spin bikes. Thank goodness for the comfy Coeur shorts, of I would’ve been in a world of chafe-age. Glad you’re feeling better, too!
This looks like it was so much fun! I wish we had something like this in Mass:) I’m sure it was a great way to see where you are at in your training and so much to look forward to in the spring! I think running slow for both of us is going to pay off, I can feel it!! Oh and I have issues with spin bikes, although I do LOVE a good spin class now and again:)