Three-hundred yogis practicing mat to mat, breath to breath. Vinyasa doesn’t get much better… well, except maybe when it’s in a historic Summit Avenue mansion.
The theme of candlelight + cocoa yoga at the James J. Hill house: give presence.
Give presence on your yoga mat. Close your eyes. Feel it supporting you.
Give presence to your loved ones. Look them in the eye, free of distractions, while talking. Because connection.
Give presence on the road. Put your phone down for god’s sake and actually see the road.
Give presence to your life. It’s happening right here, right now.

And, in savasana at the end of practice, this poem… so… right.
In the end
you won’t be known
for the things you did,
or what you built,
or what you said.
You won’t even be known
for the love given
or the hearts saved,
because in the end you won’t be known.
You won’t be asked, by a vast creator full of light:
What did you do to be known?
You will be asked: Did you know it,
this place, this journey?
What there is to know can’t be written.
Something between the crispness of air
and the glint in her eye
and the texture of the orange peel.
What you’ll want a thousand years from now
is this:
a memory that beats like a heart –
a travel memory, of what it was like to walk here,
alive and warm and textured within.
Sweet brightness, aliveness, take-me-now-ness
that is life.
You are here to pay attention. That is enough.
-Tara Mohr
Thank you, MSP yoga and lululemon community, for the opportunity take part in this beautiful practice. #grateful
Jealous!!! What a cool experience. Which Lululemon store hosted the event?
It was lovely, Katie! I believe it was the Grand Ave studio 🙂
What an AMAZING experience! I can’t imagine practicing with 300 others, but I do know what it is like to practice mat to mat…so awesome!!
How lovely! What a neat thing to experience! And SUCH a beautiful building.
Wow!! Awesome!!!!
Such a gorgeous location, and practicing with that many other people would be pretty cool!
Beautiful! poem brought tears to my eyes!
[…] Shared by sweetsweatlife […]
How cool! I always love that you seek out these amazing experiences. ALso will be saving that poem for my kids classes!
Love, love, love that poem! Thank you for sharing. I think I want to frame it. And what an amazing venue, I want to go!!