Wisco didn’t disappoint this past weekend.
After a 13.5-mile run along the Mississippi on Friday – it’s fun when you PR on a training run – Nick and I packed our swimbikerun gear and headed to friend D2’s cabin on Little Round Lake near Hayward, Wisconsin. A bit later start than we wanted, so we missed an evening open water swim, but arrived in time for a delicious dinner and good convo in the screen porch.

After a bit of a lazy Saturday morning (blackout shades!), we got rolling on our century ride around 10:30a. At the first stop sign 15 miles in, there was a hiss. My rear tire (why is it always the rear tire?!) had a complete puncture. What the…?! It was my lucky day, though: Coincidentally, D2 and Sarah happened to be at the bike shop in Hayward picking up a new tire for Sarah’s bike. Twenty minutes later, they arrived with a new one – THANK YOU! – and after a quick change, we were on our way.

Other than the flat tire fiasco, it was an awesome (and humid) ride… constant rollers, good climbing, zero traffic, and a watt and mph average that I’m pretty pumped about (along with the t-run after).

What I learned from this century:
- Read the Osmo Nutrition active hydration label (duh, erin). For some dumb reason, I thought serving size was based on body weight like preload and recovery are. It’s not. One 20-ounce bottle takes 2.5 scoops, not the 1.5 I was previously using. Lesson learned, and I stayed properly hydrated all weekend. Osmo is awesome.
- Keep your sunnies ON and not on your helmet. Around mile 98, we were cruising through the woods and out of a yard comes a giant dog, barreling toward me (I fell off my bike during a previous dog chasing, so have a bit of an aversion). I panicked, watts spiked, Nick yelled at the dog and my Oakley Miss Conduct Square sunnies fell off my helmet. And, of course, they’re now scratched right in my line of sight. Gah!
- I desperately need a new saddle. Anyone have any hook-ups for a Dash or Cobb?!
- I’m long overdue for a bikini wax. Enough said.
There is no shortage of good real food at D2’s cabin; caprese salad, roasted veggies and burgers hit the spot after such a long day! We all hit the hay fairly early to be rested for Sunday, which started with an open water swim on Little Round. We couldn’t have asked for better conditions… the clear water was glass and the perfect wetsuit temp. And, even better: Sarah and Katie kayaked alongside us, so I was relaxed and calm the entire swim. Except for the weedy 100 yards or so where I swam much faster than I normally do 🙂

I ran midday from the cabin while Nick, Christophe and Katie hit the Birkie trail for a run. Once they were back, we all ventured out for an easy, 30-mile recovery ride to round out a super fun, solid weekend. Thank you, D2, for hosting!

Wow-what an incredible weekend! I would love to do a trip like that someday…minus the tire and dog problem 😉
Nice! Sounds like a great weekend!
It looks like a great vacation spot!! Glad you got away and were still able to train 🙂
Wow, what a weekend!!!! The cabin surroundings looked amazing, takes me back to my family’s annual summer holiday to cabin country in North Western Ontario (Lake of the Woods – YESSSSSS!). What an active weekend as well, glad you got some good balanced food to help fuel you.
I thought the kayak photo you posted on IG was you kayaking! I didn’t know you were also swimming!
I get SO scared of dogs when I’m running in the country…EEK! What an awesome, active weekend! You guys should visit Devil’s Lake…and I’ll have my mom make you dinner or something. 🙂
This sounds like an AMAZING weekend. And (almost) makes me want to train for long distance races again. If I could only do all of my rides and runs on those beautiful rolling, no traffic routes…it would be a done deal!
So jealous of your perfect training weekend!
Fun weekend!!!!! Great training, food, and friends!!! Awesome pictures too! Sucks about the flat! I had one this morning! Big gash in my brand new tire!! I am very sad!! What kind of wheels are you running??!!
It is *always* the rear tire…..
Wow, what a fun weekend! Stinks that you got a flat on your century ride, but at least it all ended up working,out and you were able to get a new tire. Always nice to have a fun training weekend with friends..
Love all the photos- especially the relaxing chairs on the porrpch 🙂 I’m glad the tire situation had a fairly easy fix, and you’re right…always the back tire! you got in such an awesome weekend of training! How long until the big day?!
I always hope that having flats on rides will somehow protect me from one on race day! Looks and sounds like a great weekend! I’d love to do a training ‘camp’ one of these days.
Looks like a super fun training weekend. There’s something about getting away that makes it even that much better. You are going to kill it at Wisco!
I love training in Wisconsin! What lake were you on?
That is great timing with the time change. What a bummer!
I wish I could get in more training with friends. It’s great that you are connected with friends who are also training and can provide a beautiful cabin that caters to swimbikerun. It looks absolutely beautiful there. I like the swimming/kayaking photos. Got to love the Go Pro. Glad to hear you were able to complete your century ride. You seem more than ready for IMWI! Can’t wait.
You take the best photos with your go pro!! How lucky are you to be able to train with friends AND your hubby, that’s so awesome! Um can I visit that cabin for IM training… looks perfect! Those Adirondack.. swoon! Sorry about your flat tire, ugh, always the back tire, such a pain! Oh and nice work on your half marathon PR during a training run, you must have been psyched!
Sounds like a fab weekend! And some gorgeous scenery for training. Love following along…keep on kicking butt & inspiring us!
What a great weekend! Dogs are scary when you are on a bike! I’ve found the best thing is to yell “No!” “Stop!” or “Go home!” loudly and with authority. At the very least it confuses them so they hesitate for a second and you can ride by. I’ve been chased by a lot of dogs. Ugh.
[…] with the uncomfortable, a couple TTs, one 70.3, drinking all the Osmo, feel + focus, a couple Wisco training weekends, and a happy ass thanks to Coeur Sports’ magical seamless […]