Happy last day of January! One month closer to summer 🙂 Subzero temps aside, another downfall of winter: Lack of sunlight. I’m a bit behind on my next on the trainer post because I haven’t been home during the day to film a video. Watch for it this weekend!
Until then, some reads to get you through the #polarvortex…

I joined facebook on November 6, 2006, and since then have wasted spent 31 days, two hours, 16 minutes of time on it and posted 11,085 things to my feed. OMG. A month, an entire MONTH, of my life! How much time have you wasted on the ‘book since you joined?!
Check out this fantastic infograph on the dangers of sitting too much. I miss my standing desk and can almost feel the brain fog set in and my back compressing.
Another reason to get up and MOVE! Inactivity could possibly change the shape of neurons that affect your brain and your heart.
As a kid, I spent hours at the curling rink while my parents curled in bonspiels or weekly league. And, my grandpa Ernie took meticulous care of the ice. Curling is sweeping into the Olympics again… read more about it here via NPR.
Get good at something by failing smarter. Failure = innovation.
This may be one of the best things I’ve read in awhile: Most people won’t.
Watching this video makes me want to book a one-way ticket to Hawaii to practice my measly surfing skills I learned in Costa Rica.
Triathlon as a D1 sport?! Heck. Yes.
Conference calls are painful. This is an hilarious take on what one would look like if they happened in real life.
Each one of these seven things is on my TO DON’T list. What’s on yours?
See ya FOMO. Helloooooo, JOMO!
I’m challenging myself to stop using the word BUSY. I couldn’t agree more with this:
I did make a conscious decision, a long time ago, to choose time over money, since I’ve always understood that the best investment of my limited time on earth was to spend it with people I love. I supposed it’s possible I’ll lie on my deathbed regretting that I didn’t work harder and say everything I had to say, but I think what I’ll really wish is that I could have one more beer with Chris, another long walk with Megan, one last good hard laugh with Boyd. Life it too short to be busy.
I’m scared to see how much time I’ve wasted on facebook. It’s going to be a good kick in the pants to be more productive.
I still have three years of NCAA eligibility so triathlon as a recognized sport is big news for this college student!
Have a great weekend 🙂
There are some great reads here Erin!! I really like the “Failure = Innovation” read. It ties in so well with the conference I was just at for work this week as well 🙂 It also ties right in to the “Most People Won’t” article, which I also really like!! Thanks for sharing these 😉
OH…and I have spent 21 days, 17 hours and 37 minutes on Facebook since January 15, 2009 when I joined. That is a LOT of wasted time!!
Nice! Those are some good/funny ones!! I’ve only been on FB for 2 years and I have wasted 8days and 16 hours!! That is a lot of time!!
I totally hear you on lack of sunlight: we’re into week 2 or 3 of constant rain, but were lucky enough to get some actual sunlight this morning before the rain started again. Arrghh!
I’ve been on FB since 2006 and spend a lot of time on it communicating with family and friends far away. I won’t look into the calculations though 😉
Love these, I especially like the article on busyness, I find myself talking about how busy I am all the time, at work, home, everywhere. But most of that is my choice, so I too am going to *try* to stop saying I am too busy and using it as an excuse.