Browsing Category


  • focus on a single point.

    I bombed a bike test a few weeks ago – and I blamed it on Luma.  OK… she wasn’t the entire reason. I’d been all over the board that day – a bazillion meetings at…

  • pay attention.

    Three-hundred yogis practicing mat to mat, breath to breath. Vinyasa doesn’t get much better… well, except maybe when it’s in a historic Summit Avenue mansion.  The theme of candlelight + cocoa yoga at the…

  • don’t be afraid to put bananas on your toast.

    Melting into my mat during savasana, cool lavender-scented towel over my eyes, teacher Kim said… Don’t be afraid to put bananas on your toast. As we soaked in the hour of exceptionally blissful vinyasa…

  • heart center + the cardiologist.

    Boom-boom. Boom-boom. Boom… … boom-BOOM. My heart beat, at heart center. So clear that’s all I heard at yoga practice. So loud that it distracted my drishti. I normally sink deeper into warrior two,…

  • 2013 intentions.

    2013 started on my yoga mat, surrounded by beauty and breath. Mat-to-mat with 80 other yogis (including Nick and friend Sonia), we rang in the new year with 108 sun salutations. Guided by mala…

  • resilient beyond measure.

    During the final savasana of 75-minute C2 vinyasa yoga class this past weekend, my fave instructor said something that resonated: You are resilient beyond measure. The 100 consecutive days I’ve been down dogging, chatarungaring…

  • detox : day one …and… yoga : day 50

    Aaaaaand… detox number two of 2010 started today. (The first was in February.) I wasn’t planning to do another, but sluggishness and frequent mid-afternoon unsettled stomachs have been major annoyances lately. I’m hopeful this…
