Sick (er, well, I was). Nothing like norovirus to get you to race weight during the holidays. Jeez. But, how lucky am I? Nick brought home my favorite, Juice So Good, and picked up pho for dinner. He’s a keeper.

So many books, so little time! Surely I’m not the only one who is reading at least five books at once?! They include The Well-Built Triathlete, Daring Greatly, The Champion’s Mind, The Invention of Wings (for book club), Life as a Daymaker. Other recent recommended reads: Brain on Fire, Unbroken, The Boys in the Boat.
I’ve talked a lot about time (here and here), so this particular line from a recent Lauren Fleshman blog post resonated.
Time fixes nothing. Time is a facilitator but you still have to do the fixing; Dig into the difficult conversations; Look hard at yourself in the mirror and ask if you’re doing everything you can do to get healthy. If you aren’t currently living the life you want, there is no other way to get there. Time won’t make it happen. So you can either adjust the goal, or give yourself a swift kick in the ass. Those are your only two options unless you enjoy the feeling of eternal tug of war.
proudly representing
Team Coeur! I am ecstatic to be representing Coeur Sports for a second season! Seamless chamois aside – though that is the best thing ever to happen to tri shorts – I love this company because of what they stand for: positivity, empowerment, strength, kindness and just plain ol’ fun. Honored to be part of this rad group of women.

The new year. I love the blank page-ness of it… the newness… all the possibility. Exciting for sure, and it’s mine for the taking. And, this year, after the ho-hum-ness of last year, you bet I will be taking it.
And, spending time with my family. We celebrated our Christmas on New Year’s Day. The highlight: Christmas through the eyes of a two-year-old ♥ How cool is the teepee my mom made for her?! And, seriously… could she be any cuter in her tutu?!

This is Life. If you’re not watching Lisa Ling’s new series, you should. She dives deep into really interesting topics – drug addiction among Mormons, sex trafficking in North Dakota’s oil boom, the rise of young Catholic priests in Michigan, to name a few – exploring worlds not known to many. Fascinating to say the least.
This sweet old girl the happiest birthday. Zoey turned 14 on December 28. I swear it was just yesterday I brought her home from a pig farm in southern Minnesota. It was February 13, below zero, and she panted the entire drive.

Full on! After a dismal week post Christmas (damn you, norovirus!), all the boxes in TrainingPeaks are green. What this year’s all about: getting stronger (and stretching)… and, having fun doing it. Because if you’re not having fun, what’s the point, right?!

After a bit of debate, I decided to not do a full-on 2014 recap. I’m instead working on a 2015 intentions post that’ll include a bit of year-end reflection, but after a meh year, I’d rather just focus forward and create a really rad 2015. With that, here’s a snippet of my 2014 training… I’m pretty pumped about my numbers (and the Type A in me really wishes I would have pedaled another seven miles on the bike and done one more swim workout).
Swim: 396,801 yards
Bike: 5,493 miles
Run: 905.5 miles
listening to
Fodcasts. What took me so long to get on this bandwagon?! Thank you, Serial, for being my gateway podcast to listening and learning so much. My current favorites include TED Radio Hour, the School of Greatness, This American Life and On Being.
From the Unstoppable Learning episode, I particularly liked a snippet on education from Rita Pierson’s TED talk. Though it’s about education, her themes can be applied to life because, in some ways, we are all teachers. Never underestimate the value and importance of human connection and relationships… because that’s what it’s all about: connection. I love this line: Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like. I find that even true as an adult.
quotes of the month
Two for you…
We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action. Fear is nature’s way of warning us to get busy. -Dr. Henry Link.
There are always limits, and there are always opportunities. The ones we rehearse and focus on are the ones that shape our attitude and our actions. -Seth Godin
I love these posts of yours! That Lauren Fleshman post was great and I totally need to get on the podcast train. Glad to hear you are feeling better and back to training!! Yay Team Coeur!
Thanks much, Kelsey! Pumped to be teammates 🙂
Did Training Peaks pull those totals for you? Also…Radio Lab is a fun podcast. I’d recommend “Colors,” “Limits,” and “Yellow Fluff and Other Curious Encounters.”
Ooo… thanks for the recommendations! Added to my podcast subscriptions.
I use TP all the time, but also track each year on an elaborate spreadsheet my bf created, so pulled the numbers from there 🙂
I’m reading the Well-Built Triathlete too-I really hope to get my act together this year and get past these injuries once and for all! I thought the 2014 in pictures was a great post-that picture of you running to the finish with Nick cheering you on was incredible 🙂 All the best in 2015.
How are you liking the Well-Built Triathlete? I’ve tabled it for now, as I’m reading a couple others first 🙂 You WILL get past your injuries, Amy!
I wish I could read multiple books at one time but I end up liking one over the others and then I only read that one. What can I say? I play favorites. Lol! You had a great year look at those bike miles! HOLY COW. I need to try the Coeur stuff. My friend manages and tri shop and she’s carrying it in there. Hooray! Happy new year lady. Keep on kicking butt.
That’s usually what happens to me, too, Beth… I start three or four and then settle on one until it’s finished. Yes to the Coeur shorts! You will love them 🙂 Let me know if you try!
Ugh I am SO sorry you were sick, friend! Nick is definitely a keeper. And yum — now I want Juice So Good and pho! Congrats on another year with Coeur!
I hope you never get noro, Hyedi… it’s the worst. Thank you! I hope we can get a coffee scheduled soon! xo.
Lisa Ling show – love! (Though I’ve only watched the North Dakota one)
Juice and pho when sick – so perfect, right?
Your yearly stats….Um….AMAZING!
So glad you had a nice holiday with your family, the tepee is adorable. <3
Wasn’t the ND one fascinating?! I can’t believe that goes on in such a small, formerly sleepy community. Looking forward to season two! Hope you’re well, friend!
some really really great thoughts and quotes in here. especially on time and fear. I really need to reflect on these. Thank you, as always for your real-ness and sharing!
And, thank you, Courtney, for reading 🙂
I am right there with you on not knowing the awesomeness of podcasts until Serial. You should check out Rich Roll’s podcast!
Ooo… adding to my list! Thanks for the recommendation, Jessie!
i was also leveled by a nasty virus after christmas — the worst! congrats on being part of the coeur team.
It’s going around… hope you weren’t out for too long! Thanks, Kristin… excited to be a part of it again 🙂
Podcasts are seriously the greatest!! I had never thought of them before Serial either but now I love them, especially on my longer runs. Makes them go by faster, or makes me want to run further so I can listen to a whole episode!
That’s a great idea! It’s hard to stop during the middle of an episode 🙂
Glad you are feeling better and back to training!! I need to get on the podcast train! I get recommendations all of the time but don’t ever listen!! 🙁 Can’t wait to hear your intentions for 2015! You are going to have a seriously awesome year i can feel it!!!
Podcasts are a slippery slope… they’re so addicting! Thanks, Leslie! Big things ahead for you, too!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the quote on time by Lauren Fleshman!! Thanks for sharing it…it really resonated with me on multiple levels. So glad you are feeling better and I can’t wait to read those 2015 intentions…I know they are going to be magnificent! I am super excited to be following your 2015 journey and am definitely excited to be cheering you on in Madison in September 😉
It’s a goodie, isn’t it?! Thanks, Kecia! Excited for you and your IM Boulder journey! See you in Madison for sure!
Love that quote “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” I teach some of the toughest teenagers out there and it is so true! Get them to laugh, tease them a bit, show interest and say hello, and then the learning begins.
Ummmmm hello?!?!? I didn’t think 2014 was meh for you!
And norovirus is killer. Been there, done that, don’t ever want to do it again.
Exactly! Show interest and be nice! It makes a HUGE difference. It was meh in some regards (the side you don’t see on social) 🙂 Working through it and moving onward and upward! Agreed… I never want norovirus again, ever.
I had a norovirus in October and it completely knocked me out for an entire week! I never call in sick and I was out for three straight days, it was dreadful. I’m glad you are on the mend 🙂
I think your mother has a future in tepee building, that is amazing!!! Two is such a tough age, but so so adorable when they are in a good mood 🙂
Oh, and your numbers are seriously impressive!
Thanks for the additional reading and watching, I definitely want to check out This is Life. When I first started driving to work I found myself listening to quite a bit of NPR and sometimes I would stay in the car until a segment ended because it was so incredibly interesting.
And lastly, LOVE Seth Godin. So good. I start almost every day by reading his blog 🙂
I’m excited to follow you in 2015!
Oh, gosh! YUCK! It completely knocked me out, and I hope neither of us get it again.
I’ve totally stayed in the car to finish a podcast! It’s hard to stop listening partway through, but equally hard to listen and try to get work done 🙂
Thanks, Kim! I’m excited to follow your 2015, too!
Happy January! I just heard about “Limits” on RadioLab (which someone else recommended and I plan to check out soon!). Sounds like a good beginning of the year, except for the virus. And I love the reminder that it’s (it = life, training, whatever) supposed to be fun!
I’ve listened to the limits episode twice (and then watched that Kona finish)… Julie Moss is so inspirational, and I love her perspective. We ARE limitless! Happiest January to you, too, Kristina!
Looks like a lot of amazing things happening. What a great way to start the year. I have been obsessed with juice lately and keep debating…should I buy it (it so pricey) or make my own (I buy the stuff and never do)? Today I had a fantastic beet juice at WF…Yum!
Best of luck with training. I”m excited to see what 2015 has in store for you!
I go back and forth on a juicer, too! Let me know if you end up getting one… curious to know which model! Thanks, lady!
Some of me thinks that the blender is better because you get to keep more of the nutrients. Maybe I’ll register for one : )
[…] to Erin for sharing this quote with […]
Love that notion on time by Lauren Fleshman. Oh so true. I can relate to how you feel about the new year and the “newness” it brings. A blank page is the perfect word for how I feel each January 1. I love your cute blue beanie and sunglasses – what brand are they?
I am the same way about the podcast bandwagon. Being a visual person, I never thought I would like podcasts (or would get bored quickly). But no, I have been listening to Serial and love using my imagination. It’s a great thing to listen to when I am cleaning or doing something hands on. What is This American Life?
Thanks, Kristen! The hat is lululemon from a couple years ago, and my sunnies are Oakley Miss Conduct Square… my favorite (I have a couple pairs) 🙂
This American Life is an NPR podcast… really good! Also LOVING Radiolab right now!
1. Hope you’re feeling better now!
2. LOVE reading and thanks for the suggestions! I’ll be doing a contest on my blog to win a copy of Stand Out Social Marketing…if you’re interested—stay tuned!
3. SO pumped to join Team Coeur. I can really tell you enjoy it and agreed that I love everything the company stands for.
4. Awesome teepee—how creative 🙂
5. Great 2014 #s! I totally get where you’re coming from with the Type A stats!
6. I have been meaning and wanting to get in to podcasts—where have we been?! Just downloaded the app you suggested and not quite sure where to start?!
7. Cheers to a BIG 2015!!!
So glad you’re on team Coeur, too! It’s a wonderful group of women 🙂 Did you find some good podcasts?! Looking forward to getting together!
Serial also got me into podcasts — I feel like I’m listening all the time (running, walking the dog, commuting). Some that I’ve found that I love are Spilled Milk, Stuff You Should Know, and invisibilia. I also would wholeheartedly recommend Unbroken. I laughed, I cried, I went down a POW research rabbit hole. Glad you’re feeling better!
I just subscribed to invisibilia and can’t wait to listen! Thanks for the other two recommendations! Have you seen Unbroken the movie yet?! I can’t decide if I want to or not… the book was so incredible not sure I want to wreck it! Thanks, Elizabeth! Hope you’re 2015 is off to a great start 🙂
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I’ve heard a lot of what I felt was so compelling (his return and subsequent PTSD) was left out. I don’t know that I’ll go out of my way to see it.
Yay for feeling better lady!! Looks like you are back in full swing with training, which is awesome:) I am personally loving training peaks (which is new to me this season) and making the boxes green! I am obsessed with both the photo of the teepee and your pup, how sweet!! That teepee could belong in a magazine, seriously! Oh and you are totally inspiring me to get on the podcast bandwagon. I’m not a big ‘tv person’ and it could be a great option for me. Nice job on the miles too, rock star!
Thanks so much, lady! Excited to follow your IM journey this year 🙂 Let me know if you hop on the podcast bandwagon; they’re addicting (and great for easy trainer spins)!