on the trainer // bike testing and a workout


There’s nothing quite like the pain on the trainer – all-out leg searing, lung burning pain – and, no more so than during a bike test. Last week was bike test week, where I was reminded that I have legs… and, that they’re getting stronger. 

Coach had me do two tests to determine my functional threshold power (FTP, or the max watts you can hold for 60 minutes): all-out pedal as hard as you can for five minutes and, a few days later, all-out again for 20 minutes.

The five-minute test wasn’t pretty. Based on my last test and recent workouts, I had an idea of what watts I thought I *should* be able to hold. The short of it: I went out far too hard and tanked the last minute. Nevertheless, I held higher watts for five minutes vs. that three-minute test, so I can’t complain. 

The 20-minute test went much better. While I reviewed my last 20-minute test, I threw expectations out the window and started at slightly lower watts than I knew I could ride. From there, I gradually increased, finishing the last minute strong and far higher than I thought I was capable of. 

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The results: My FTP is a nice jump compared to where I was at this time last year. #biggergirlwatts 

With that (and after a short hiatus), here’s this week trainer workout! 

10 to 30-minute warm-up, spin easy… length your choice 
2:00 moderate / hard, Z3 effort
1:00 easy, Z1 effort
2:00 moderate / hard, Z3 effort
1:00 easy, Z1 effort
3:00 recovery, spin easy
repeat two more times
10:00 cool down
Total time:  44 to 64 minutes, depending on warm-up

Note: Because everyone is at a different cycling level, all trainer workouts should be based on YOUR perceived effort. Hard intervals may be at 21 mph for some and 17 mph for others. Go by what feels hard for YOU.

Any types of workouts you’d like to see? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy cycling! 


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  • Reply Leslie @ TriathleteTreats 12/25/2014 at 10:58 pm

    Awesome work!!! I did my power test last week and it went better than I thought it would go!! 🙂 It is funny how you can take a break and still come back stronger!! I did a work out similar to yours the week after!! It is a goodie!

  • Reply Kristen @ Glitter and Dust 12/26/2014 at 11:06 am

    Wow, you are so strong on the bike Erin! I am doing my FTP test at 2pm today, and I’m hoping I can put up some good numbers. Although I have been running a lot, I have only been on my bike once since September. It will be interesting to see how much power I have lost in the few months I’ve been off the bike. My test in July determined an FTP of 220w, so I am hoping I can get it close! This was just what I needed before my test! 🙂

  • Reply Brittany 12/30/2014 at 9:28 am

    As usual, your watts are insane!! This inspires me 🙂 Tests are so hard though, I really dread them.

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